
Deloading 101: Why Your Body May Need a Week of Light Training

Feeling tired? Drained? Not getting results from your training? Are your muscles tight and body feeling heavy? Are you lacking motivation for your training sessions and finding it hard to complete your workouts? Are your number's not improving? You may need to incorporate a deload so you can come back STRONGER! What is a De-load? A deload week is a week of LOWER intensity training to let the body recover and 'catch up' with the stressful demands of regular heavy training routines. Think of it as a "period of reduced training stress which continues until after the dissipation of fatigue symptoms" Training puts large amounts

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The Art and Science of Kettlebell Training

Learn how to properly use this humble lump of iron and achieve a new level of strength and fitness. Guest Author: Alex Goik Chances are that if you train — or maybe even if you don’t — that you’ve come across an irregular shaped lump of iron being swung around by someone in the gym. The lump of iron is called a Kettlebell and in my eyes, it’s one of the most critically misunderstood and under-utilized pieces of equipment in the modern strength and conditioning toolkit now available to us. From the outside looking in Kettlebell training can appear cumbersome, awkward, and daunting to incorporate succesfully into a

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8 Week Intermittent Fasting Transformation: How I Got Ripped In 8 Weeks

My 8-Week Intermittent Fasting Body Recomposition Hey guys!My name is Simon and I run Found My Physique. I recently completed an 8-week transformation and I've been getting a lot of questions about how I did it, I thought I would write this post to explain the process in depth.I thought I would explain the process. This transformation was not only for me to get back into shape after a big holiday - but also I wanted to regain my confidence and show my clients how fast it can be done.Thanks to my training buddies for keeping the journey entertaining -

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